Monday, January 01, 2007

Double Grrr...

So listening to sports talk radio yesterday to keep up with all things NFL- and of course everything that needed to happen to let the Bengals make the playoffs yesterday happened. Even though the Jets won if Kansas City won and the Broncos lost (which both happened) the Bengals would have been in had they not gotten beat by Pittsburgh. And this i the SECOND week in a row that this not just GRRR but double GRRR! Oh well, it's just a game and I'll get my football fill today with the bowl games and then THE bowl game next Monday night. Of course then there is the NFL playoffs and the Super bowl which is good but that means...FOOTBALL SEASON IS ALMOST OVER which I hate. Good thing NASCAR begins two weeks after the Super Bowl huh? Okay so I guess I just gave myself away and I officially scream redneck.

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