Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is what youth ministry is really all about...

It is so easy to get discouraged in youth ministry because it seems like you don't always get the results you are looking for. It is during times like that when the Lord sends something to get your attention. This video reminds me of why I do what I do. My job is to run the race with the students I minister to and help them to understand that CAN'T and FAILURE are words that need to be deleted from a young Christian's vocabulary. Thanks Lord for reminding me of why I do what I do...may this encourage those of you who are having a tough time as well. Until next time, know that I am praying for all of you who are in the trenches with me!

1 comment:

Stephen Nelson said...

We often try to force results, when all God wants us to do is plant the Seed. Unfruitful planted seed is not a problem with the sower, but with the heartground in which it has been planted. I used to beat myself up over students who seemed more desirous of wallowing in the mud than being helped out of it. That self-beating-upness is hazardous to one's health.. and family... and ministry.