Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Surprised by God

I will never cease to be amazed by the Lord. He always seems to catch us off guard, which is really a "shame on me" for not trusting Him more. Throughout discouragement and frustration, we turn too Him...All too often only as a last resort (again shame on me), but in the midst of all that, He still comes through. I guess it is the "wait" principle that I hate so much. Many of you know the frustrations that Megan and I have had recently with her job. The prayer has always been Lord confirm that she's supposed to be there or provide a way out. I had always operated with the mindset of the bank was where the Lord wanted her to be, but always prayed with her for a way out since I knew she didn't want to be there. Forever though, it seemed that she was going to be at a job that she didn't want to be in, and was just trying to learn to be content with that (I'll let her blog about that-IF she ever gets online).
Well last week we received a phone call out of the blue from a lady with the county school district. She needed to speak with Megan and needed to ASAP. I thought for sure it wouldn't be for a job because school starts next week and surely they wouldn't have still not filled positions. You see Meg had interviewed with this lady for a position earlier in the summer and had been told she was not going to get the positions that were open so we had moved on and accepted the fact that the bank was where she would be for now. Boy were we wrong. Meg called me in tears telling me the lady had offered her a position teaching music three days a week. We called the HR department the next morning to ask about pay and benefits and the HR lady wondered why she was not offered the full time position at another school. Meg said she wasn't sure, but to make a long story short, THEY OFFERED HER A FULL TIME POSITION TEACHING MUSIC! What an answer to prayer...We had been given what we thought was a "no" but God was simply saying "wait." So this next Tuesday amongst excitement and fear my lovely wife begins her teaching career as Mrs. McKee, the music teacher at Navy Point Elementary school-and did I mention the Lord through in better benefits AND a pay increase?
So if you are discouraged and wondering, just remember He hasn't given up and He will provide, it's just his timing and not ours....GOD IS GOOD, even when we are not trusting enough is HIS plan for our lives.
See ya soon...Lots more to blog about this week including our burrito eating contest at Moe's Southwest and the possible soon visit from Tropical Storm Chris
(oh and sorry for stealing my wife's thunder, she can blog about this too, but I wanted everyone to know and since she doesn't log on that often, I took the initiative to tell ya'll thanks for your prayers!)

1 comment:


Praise God.