Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Little Clarification...

I probably should have mentioned this yesterday for clarification, but didn't really think anything of it until I received a few calls and noticed some of your comments. First, let me thank all of you for your concern, it really means a lot. Also thanks for your prayers.

Just to clarify a little bit, there is nothing happening medically or marriage related that are crises. Since I wrote the blog so early in the morning (something I can do since I work the morning show at the radio station) the thought never occurred to me that I might raise some fears.

I still can't share much, but Megan and I are at a bit of a crossroads and have some decisions to make in the coming weeks. Basically we have some tough decisions to make that we are wrestling through and yesterday was a point day relating to all of that. Like I said I'll share more in the near future, but can't yet.

So again, all is well. We are both healthy as far as we know, and all's well in our lives together (in fact I think it's pretty darn good that I'm blessed with such a great woman). Thanks again for our prayers yesterday, they were felt and we appreciate it so much.

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