Tuesday, June 08, 2010

weigh in-5

Well it's that time of week again-the weigh in, and it was a good week. I actually weighed in Saturday morning, but I am just getting around to blogging today. The weigh in for the week...342! I am down another 5 lbs. It really was a good week. Exercise has been switched up a bit each week, this week was full of yard work (yes you can burn calories working in the yard), and walking the golf course instead of using a power cart.

Some things I have noticed this week
  • it is getting easier to walk the course-I don't seem to be as winded up the hills and seem to have more energy, I actually enjoy the time walking the course (although my golf game still needs LOTS of improvement)
  • Keep fresh fruit on hand at all times-I have found that when I have a craving for something sweet, fresh fruit solves the craving and is fulfilling without the calories.
  • If a salad comes with your meal, eat it first-not only is it healthier, but it will help to fill you up quicker with less calories-you are allowed to take the food home with you
  • Water is a MUST-drink lots of it, especially right before a meal. I learned this the hard way after being dehydrated from being outside, but if you drink LOTS of water, you tend to eat less, it gives you a sense of being more full than you are
  • Put the silverware down-I'm a fast eater, always have been, but I have learned that if I set the fork down in between bites I slow down a bit and don't tend to eat as much as fast and find that I am fuller quicker.

Those are just my thoughts for the week. It was a good week and can't wait to see what's up this week! If your on this journey as well, stay encouraged and don't give up...you can do it!

Losin' it, 1 lb at a time!


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