Sunday, January 01, 2017

Welcome to 2017!

So I've decided to give this a go again. I say every year I want to write more, but never do it. This year that is going to be one of the things I focus on. Last year was health (and that continues), this year I am going to focus on the writing side of things.

Here's what the latest is in my life. Our girls are growing like crazy and more grey hair comes in every day it seems. 40 isn't so bad I promise, in fact I am sort of enjoying it.

So instead of making resolutions I wouldn't keep last year I decided to focus on 1-2 things a year. Last year it was my health. Those of you that follow me on social media know that my weight has always been an issue. Last year I had reached the heaviest of my life, pushing close to 400lbs and essentially my doctor said lose the weight or die. I accepted that challenge and with the Lord's help I've lost 50lbs in a year. Here is how I did it...

  • tracking is a must (use an app to track food and exercise)
  • exercise is a must (even a little a few days a week)
  • SCHEDULE the exercise (knowing it was on my calendar helped a lot)
  • find an accountability partner (not a jerk but someone to nudge you)
  • don't give up if you have a bad day-every day is a new day!
  • allow some room to cheat some
All of these have helped me and I will continue this journey this year with my trainer and weight watchers, but slow and steady wins the race! I had hoped to keep my beard until I lost 100lbs but since the Buckeyes lost.....oh well!

My prayer is you will be encouraged as you begin 2017! 

Blessings to you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

To blog or not to blog...

I've been thinking about reactivating this blog and writing more often instead of just a few social media updates a day. Would anyone be interested? I know it's been 6 years, but hey maybe I have something to say sometimes right?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Still Alive

I'm still, here and I know I have said this before, but I have got to be a better blogger. I guess I just get caught up in the quicker things like facebook or twitter and I forget to blog. I am hoping to do better though and I just got back from the National Youth Worker's Convention in Nashville, so there is a lot to chew on and talk about relating to youth ministry so I promise to do that soon. Beyond that I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving, doesn't eat too much (if that's possible) and all is well. Drop a comment to let me know what's going on!

Keep trusting the Lord!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

an open letter to priceline...

Dear really screwed up this time, and when your customer service rep tells someone they will have a resolution in 48 hours and it is now pushing close to 60 hours, I think you need to learn to count. I am afraid you have lost a loyal customer today for both personal and business trips and I'll continue to spread the word of your poor customer service until the issue is resolved appropriately, 2 phone calls, a guaranteed answer and still no resolution...UNCOOL PRICELINE UNCOOL!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

weigh in-5

Well it's that time of week again-the weigh in, and it was a good week. I actually weighed in Saturday morning, but I am just getting around to blogging today. The weigh in for the week...342! I am down another 5 lbs. It really was a good week. Exercise has been switched up a bit each week, this week was full of yard work (yes you can burn calories working in the yard), and walking the golf course instead of using a power cart.

Some things I have noticed this week
  • it is getting easier to walk the course-I don't seem to be as winded up the hills and seem to have more energy, I actually enjoy the time walking the course (although my golf game still needs LOTS of improvement)
  • Keep fresh fruit on hand at all times-I have found that when I have a craving for something sweet, fresh fruit solves the craving and is fulfilling without the calories.
  • If a salad comes with your meal, eat it first-not only is it healthier, but it will help to fill you up quicker with less calories-you are allowed to take the food home with you
  • Water is a MUST-drink lots of it, especially right before a meal. I learned this the hard way after being dehydrated from being outside, but if you drink LOTS of water, you tend to eat less, it gives you a sense of being more full than you are
  • Put the silverware down-I'm a fast eater, always have been, but I have learned that if I set the fork down in between bites I slow down a bit and don't tend to eat as much as fast and find that I am fuller quicker.

Those are just my thoughts for the week. It was a good week and can't wait to see what's up this week! If your on this journey as well, stay encouraged and don't give can do it!

Losin' it, 1 lb at a time!


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

weigh in-4

So it's the first of June and as you've probably noted if you're a reader of this blog that I've been quiet about the weight loss for the last couple of weeks. Last I blogged I had hit a little plateau and was hovering right around 350, well I actually gained a couple pounds and realized again that this is not going to be an easy battle, so over the last week or so I started tracking things again, trying to exercise more regularly again and finally jumped on the scale again and I'm down to 347. It was encouraging, I'm not sure I had to gain to lose, and I don't want to repeat this pattern, but it was good to get some encouraging news on the scale.

Also a couple weeks ago at church someone came up to me after service and politely said, "I can tell you've lost weight, and promise me one'll never wear those pants to church again." They were my "fat" pants and truth be told were just absolutely WAY too big now and they look bad on me, so the other day I went to the store to get some new pants and found that the new ones were not 1 size smaller, but 2. I am down from a 52 waste to a 48 waist pant size, so progress is happening.

I am encouraged and a little excited, but it is still a long journey.

Cons: I still have cravings for certain things, Pros: It is getting easier NOT to just grab something because I am bored, and I am starting to choose healthier alternatives like fresh strawberries over a box of candy.

Long way to go, but losing it, 1 pound at a time...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

weigh in-3

So not much of a loss this week. Still hovering right around 350. Ahh, the first plateau, which seems to be expected. I am down right around 25lbs and my body seems to be content for awhile, so I am trying to find the way to shake it up a bit. I am still on track and and not discouraged, but a little frustrated.

I also am learning that I eat when I am bored. I am finding myself craving things-but usually only when I am bored so i am slowly but steadily training myself to realize what is hunger and what is boredom. So far for the most part I've been okay, but I did find myself grazing a bit this week which may explain the plateau.

Day by day-we'll get there. 100lbs for the year is the goal and I am 1/4th of the way there, so I'm going to keep it up!