- The biggest change is that I am going "part time" at the church. This is on a month by month basis, but given the financial situation of the church it was necessary. Since a large portion of our salary is the house, it was easiest to work with my salary to balance the budget. I have a perfect peace about this and the church has made it very clear that they are going to take care of us and I believe that with my whole heart. It is obvious that God is working through this situation as we have had some amazing services since I agreed to this and He also provided the radio job at the perfect time. It seems like every time I looked away from here God pointed us right back in this direction. As it relates to "part time" we all know that really doesn't exist in ministry and I am as dedicated as I always have been to the church and teens and am keeping VERY busy.
- Speaking of radio, I am still loving it. I go into the station every weekday morning to run the morning show which means I am up at 4:30 every morning. This has been a rough adjustment, but I find that I have a lot more energy since I don't lay around in the morning anymore and when I go to bed I am finally sleeping good! I am not on the air yet, but will hopefully soon be doing news and weather during the morning show. I have done two remotes live and recently cut my first spot (commercial) so my voice has been out there, just not regularly yet. Also this weekend, I'll be heading to see Taylor Hicks in concert for the station and get the chance to take listeners backstage for a meet and greet session. I was a huge fan of his on Idol and so this member of the "soul patrol" is going to have a great time (even if he can't dance). Needless to say, it's a lot of fun!
- On top of everything else I was recently told that I am now the "interim" (but looks like it's official) district youth president, which means I am the point person for all the district activities relating to teens in the North Florida district. This was also a goal of mine, so I'm excited about it as well.
So life is crazy busy, but needless to say, I am happier than I have been for a long time and with the Lord's help I am managing it all. Thanks for your prayers over these last few months, there have been several times when I wanted to give up, but with your prayers and the Lord I was able to make it through-so if times are tough...HANG IN THERE! I'm praying for ya'll!
PS-Meg is doing great as well, she just started back teaching music again full time and loves it, but could use your prayer as it is at an inner city school and it is tough on her at times.